Home » UK Father Begs Transgender Surgeon Not to Remove Daughter’s Breasts

UK Father Begs Transgender Surgeon Not to Remove Daughter’s Breasts

by Beyondboders

A worried UK father has asked top plastic surgeon, Mohsen El Gammal, to cancel a transgender surgery on his 20-year-old daughter.

The father, who fears the surgery will harm her life, in a letter, said his daughter has a history of depression, self-harm, and not eating. He believes she was influenced by the “trans group.”

To protect his daughter’s privacy, the father did not share his name. He gave the letter to The Mail on Sunday.

The letter said, “Ultimately, my daughter is a depressive. She sought the highs that came from cutting herself; from starving herself; from being taken for a boy; from taking testosterone; and now from having her breasts removed.

“She needs to learn that life is not one long adrenaline buzz – that happiness is a more moderate feeling, comes from within and derives from finding place and purpose in life.


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“You are fuelling her problem. Not helping to resolve it.

“Please do not remove my daughter’s breasts. You will, in one day – a day you will quickly forget – ruin her life forever.”

The father also mentioned that the surgery would take away her chance to breastfeed and affect her future relationships, stressing the permanent harm it could cause.

He added, “She is 20 years old. Which of us knew at 20 what we would know or think at 30? Which of us understood ourselves in the way we do at 60?

“Which of us did not do things we almost immediately regretted? If you do choose to operate, perhaps you will take the time while she is anaesthetised to look at the extensive scarring on her arms and legs.

“These are the scars of the self-harming craze she participated in during her mid-teens. This was before she got into starving herself. All this before she started participating in the trans cult.”

The father said he never got a response to his letter sent in May to the Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, west London.

Despite his plea, his daughter had a double mastectomy last month, meaning both breasts were removed.

Moreso, the clinic told The Mail they could not comment on family issues.

This news follows a report about Elon Musk’s child, Xavier, now Vivian, who also underwent gender transition during the pandemic.

El Gammal, a Consultant Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeon, specializes in breast cancer treatment and cosmetic procedures. He claims to have performed 1,000 such surgeries.

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