Home » Cholera: 6 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe

Cholera: 6 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe

by Beyondboders

Preventing cholera is linked to stopping its spread. Cholera spreads when infected people’s feces contaminate the water.

If this water is not cleaned properly, it can infect others who use it for drinking, cooking, or washing.

People most at risk live in areas with limited access to clean water, poor sanitation, and poor hygiene. Here are six simple ways to prevent cholera:

1. Avoid Street Food

Don’t eat food from street vendors. Do well to avoid raw fruits, vegetables, and undercooked seafood.

2. Cook Food Well

Make sure all food is fully cooked. Reheat leftovers thoroughly before eating.


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3. Drink Safe Water

Boil water before drinking it. Use water from safe sources and store it in clean, covered containers. Check that bottled water is sealed before buying.

4. Wash Hands Regularly

Wash your hands with soap and clean water, especially before eating or handling food and after using the toilet. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

5. Proper Waste Disposal

Avoid open defecation and do not dump trash carelessly. Ensure proper waste disposal and keep the surroundings clean.

6. Seek Medical Help

If you have diarrhea, do not prepare or serve food or water to others. Seek medical attention immediately.

Following these steps can help you avoid cholera and stay healthy.

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