Home » North African Dust Heading to Portugal Again

North African Dust Heading to Portugal Again

by Beyondboders

North Africa’s sandy particles are coming to Portugal again, says IPMA.

Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts more North African dust will float into Portugal on Thursday, June 6th. This dusty guest is riding on a low-pressure area hanging around the Madeira islands.

IPMA says, “Portugal’s weather will feel the influence of a low-pressure area centered near Madeira. It’s moving northeast, dragging along dust from North Africa.”

Thursday might look gloomy, but rain is not likely. If rain does show up, it might bring along a layer of North African dust this, rain should be expected from Friday onwards, while some areas might even get hit with hail and thunderstorms.

Over the weekend, the dust concentration will ease up a bit, but rain is still on the menu, especially in the north and centre. To this effect, citizens are to brace for more thunderstorms and possibly hail until next Monday.


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Moreso, IPMA predicts winds will be light to moderate, mostly from the south, but residents should not be surprised by stronger gusts during rain showers.

In the north and centre, Thursday and Friday will bring warmer temps, hitting 30ºC to 35°C. Coastal areas might feel a bit cooler.

Saturday’s forecast? Temps will cool down to 20ºC to 25°C, especially inland.

Down south, Thursday will feel warmer, hitting 30ºC to 35°C, but a temperature drop starting Friday, down to 20ºC to 25°C should be expected.

After Saturday’s cool-down, steady temperatures should be expected until at least Monday.

Portugal Resident

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